
Scope of cognitive science: Artificial intelligence

"... One major contribution of AI and cognitive science to psychology has been the information processing model of human thinking in which the metaphor of brain-as-computer is taken quite literally. ."

Artificial intelligence involves the study of psychological feature phenomena in machines. one in every of the sensible goals of AI is to implement aspects of human intelligence in computers. Computers also are wide used as a tool with that to check psychological feature phenomena. procedure modeling uses simulations to check however human intelligence could also be structured.

There is some discussion within the field on whether or not the mind is best viewed as an enormous array of little however one by one feeble parts , or as a group of higher-level structures like symbols, schemes, plans, and rules. the previous read uses connectionism to check the mind, whereas the latter emphasizes symbolic computations. a method to look at the difficulty is whether or not it's attainable to accurately simulate somebody's brain on a pc while not accurately simulating the neurons that form up the human brain.

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